AARP Eye Center

Boston, MA – AARP Massachusetts is urging state legislators to address significant funding shortfalls in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget that threaten vital home care services for older adults.
In a letter to Speaker Mariano and President Spilka, AARP emphasized the importance of adequately funding home and community-based services (HCBS) to ensure that older adults and people with disabilities can remain in their homes and communities.
The letter highlights two critical budget line items that are underfunded:
- Elder Home Care Purchased Services funds direct services for older adults, faces a projected deficit of $35.2 million, potentially growing to $46.1 million if service utilization increases.
- Elder Home Care Case Management funds case management services, is expected to face a $4 million deficit, impacting the ability of case managers to oversee care for vulnerable older adults.
AARP stresses that home and community-based services are cost-effective and improve the quality of life for recipients by allowing them to stay in their preferred environments.
“As the aging population of Massachusetts continues to grow, now is not the time to underfund critical programs,” writes AARP Massachusetts State Director Jen Benson and AARP Massachusetts President Sandra Harris.
Read the letter here: AARP Letter -Supplemental Funding - Home Care Line Items 120624 (002).pdf
AARP points out that the 60-plus age group comprised 24 percent of the population in 2020. Adults 60 and over in Massachusetts will soon eclipse the under-20 age cohort for the first time in recorded history.