AARP Eye Center

Trying to make those organics from the grocery store have a longer shelf life? Have a green thumb and trying to make the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor last through the winter? AARP presented a series in September & October. From Farm to Jar highlighted different ways to perserve your bounty. Below find the recordings from those presentations:
Pickling any Vegetable-Even all that Zucchini
-Learn how to make traditional pickled food like cucumber pickles and add new items such as squash, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower and other vegetables.
Intro to Canning: Jellies & Jams
Get introduced to canning through an easy method that would allow you to use the harvest from the recent farmer's market visit or your own backyard garden and begin creating jellies and jams.
What to do with Tomatoes: Salsa Making
-Learn the basics of canning and how to turn those tomatoes into higher shelf-life salsa!