If you just got your heating bill and need some help paying it, you may want to look into the Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Program. It helps people with heating bills. You may qualify and not realize it.
Social Security is your money. You paid into it. If you have questions, AARP can help. Learn more about Social Security in Massachusetts and what the new administration is telling AARP about Social Security.
Social Security is your money. You paid into it. It can be confusing and there are funding issues ahead. If you have questions, AARP can help. We have a number of informative events to learn more about Social Security & why it needs to be protected
AARP Massachusetts is advocating for legislation that will allow accessory dwelling units (ADUs) to be built by right across the Commonwealth. The House has agreed to this. The Senate is set to take up the housing bond bill later this month
How ready for retirement are you? In theory, we all know it’s important to plan ahead, but in reality, many of us keep putting it off. According to a 2022 AARP report, 86% of working adults understand the importance of preparing for retirement, but only about 40% feel they are prepared to retire.