AARP Eye Center

“On behalf of our 775,000 members and all older Massachusetts residents, we thank the Massachusetts Senate for passing Bill No. 4778 ‘An Act Relative to Voting Options in Response to Covid-19.’
Massachusetts voters are set to go to the polls on September 1 for the state primary and November 3 for the general election. We believe that it is important to take action now to ensure that all registered voters can cast their ballots safely.
These are challenging times for all Baystate residents, and we must work to ensure that the largest voting bloc in our population, the 50+ voter, can continue to have a safe and secure way to exercise their right to vote during this unprecedented time.
Older Massachusetts residents should not have to risk their lives or their health to exercise their right to vote. We urge the House and Senate to enact this bill swiftly.”
Mike Festa, AARP Massachusetts State Director