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AARP AARP States Massachusetts

Upcoming Events, Webinars, and more from AARP Massachusetts

AARP Massachusetts Shedule of Events for this fall
Winter Day on a slightly snowy Public Garden in Boston

With a new year, we have a new slate of events. You can find everything from webinars to in-person sessions right here. Sign up today!

Filing for Social Security: Sometimes Timing is Everything
Tuesday, March 4 at Noon
Have you been thinking about the right time to file for Social Security? This is where AARP can help. When to file for Social Security is a personal decision, and learning the impact of early, full and delayed retirement can help you make an informed choice to maximize your benefits. Join us for a free virtual seminar where we’ll share tips, tools, and resources to help you decide on the right time to file.
Click Here To Register

Introduction to Volunteering
Wednesday, March 5 at Noon
At our Introduction to Volunteering with AARP Massachusetts, we will share information about the various opportunities to get engaged as a volunteer with our state office. Bring your questions to this quick 30 minute online session and learn directly from our volunteers about what programs we offer. You must register to get the Zoom link emailed to you.
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Tech Tips for Disaster Preparedness
Wednesday, March 5 at 1pm
In this session, we’ll explain how technology can help you prepare. We’ll discuss and demonstrate useful features of the FEMA and Red Cross apps, including setting alerts. Additionally, we’ll review built-in smartphone features that can come in handy in the event of an emergency and explore how to keep phones and essential devices charged during a prolonged power outage. Finally, we’ll discuss how you can use social media to get emergency and other important information from local and national authorities.
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Fraud Talk Tuesday: Tax Scams
Tuesday, March 11 at Noon
We have all heard about identity theft, but tax fraud is a serious concern as well. The IRS and various agencies have warned about an increase in tax-related fraud including tax preparation, filing and tax refund scams. Whether you’re preparing your taxes yourself or working with a tax professional, it's important to stay vigilant and informed
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Navigating Massachusetts' Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
Wednesday, March 12 at 12:00
MA Paid Family Leave (PFL) allows eligible employees to take time off work to care for a family member while still receiving a portion of their regular wages. This benefit helps reduce the financial strain of caregiving. In this session learn about what is offered and how you can use it. Note this session won't be recorded .
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Key Questions to Consider About Medicare Initial Enrollment
Friday, March 14 at Noon
Are you getting ready to enroll in Medicare for the first time? This is where AARP can help. Medicare initial enrollment can seem complicated, but understanding your personal needs and priorities can help you make informed decisions. Join us for a free virtual seminar for unbiased information, tools, and resources to help you find a Medicare plan that meets your needs.
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MA Councils on Aging and Economic Security
Wednesday, March 26 at 12:00pm
Outreach Coordinators and other staff at Councils on Aging in Massachusetts frequently work with older adult clients to find economic security resources among the public benefits available, such as SNAP benefits for food, fuel assistance during the heating season, and health insurance savings. Many Councils on Aging operate Senior Centers that host AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Program, SHINE counselors, and food distribution programs. Learn more about how COAs can be the key to spending less and discovering options you may not have been aware of.
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AARP Massachusetts Volunteer Conference
Tuesday, April 1 10am-3:00pm
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester
The theme for this year's conference is "Collaborate, to motivate and inspire!" Our volunteer planning committee is busy organizing to make it a motivational and inspirational day for all who attend. This event is ideal for people who are already AARP volunteers or are ready to roll up their sleaves and begin volunteering in our various programs including Advocacy, Livable Communities, Fraud, Speakers Bureau, Social Security, Tabling, and more
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The Impact of Ridesharing Apps
Wednesday, April 2, at 1:00

Discover How Apps Are Revolutionizing Transportation!

Join us for an exciting presentation on ride-sharing apps, also known as e-hailing apps. We’ll dive into the world of Uber and Lyft, the two most popular apps, and explore the benefits and drawbacks of each. Don’t miss this chance to learn how these apps are changing the way we move!

Click Here to Register

Missed an event? Check out @aarpmassachusetts on YouTube

      About AARP Massachusetts
      Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.