AARP Real Possibilities by AARP Michigan is a weekly TV show airing every Tuesday on ABC 53 in Lansing and Jackson at 9:00 am and ABC 4 West Michigan at noon.
AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer Nancy LeaMond issued the following statement on Friday, February 28, related to comments about changes at the Social Security Administration (SSA):
In collaboration with the Carr Center and Bedrock Detroit, join AARP Michigan during Black History Month for a unique series of in-person and virtual events celebrating Black culture and the arts. From storytelling to African American classical music and the art of quilting, AARP will shine a spotlight on Black artists, their work and their impact. Register online at the links below or call 877-926-8300.
“In advance of Governor Whitmer’s State of the State Address this week, AARP Michigan urges state leaders to provide relief for the estimated 1.73 million Michiganders who provide care for a loved one. We understand their struggle. According to an AARP national study, family caregivers on average spend $7,242 annually of their own income on caregiving. To ease this significant burden, AARP calls for the establishment of a caregiving tax credit that would help lessen the personal financial strain experienced by Michigan family caregivers across our state.
AARP is championing a plan to increase resources for family caregivers across the state. It would include the expansion of caregiver resource centers and the creation of a statewide website with evidence-based educational and training materials.