AARP Eye Center

With key portions of the Affordable Care Act about to be implemented, AARP Michigan will deliver free, fact-based presentations on how the new health care law affects Michigan residents and their families.
Andrew Farmer, AARP Michigan Associate State Director for Health and Services, will lead a session on Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Reachout Christian Center, 5628 Wise Rd., Lansing, that will include a power point presentation on major provisions of the law followed by time for questions and answers.
Participants also will be provided with resources for making personal choices and decisions about individual health care coverage.
“Many people continue to have questions about the law and what it means to them,” Farmer said. “The time to get these questions answered is now.”
The new health insurance exchange, an online marketplace to purchase healthcare coverage, opens on Oct. 1.
For more information, contact Sixty Plus at 334-5760 or Reachout Christian Center at 887-8185.
WHAT: Fact-based presentation on health care reform hosted by AARP Michigan.
WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Reachout Christian Center, 5628 Wise Rd., Lansing
WHY: To learn more about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and how it affects you and your family.