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Every day, a silent army of Americans performs a great labor of love: caring for aging parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends... so they can remain in their homes.
Thousands of Michigan veterans listened in on an AARP tele-town hall that provided details about a wide range of veterans' benefits.
Christine Caswell of Lansing cared for her handicapped parents while attending law school in her mid-40’s. Her father took a nasty fall and ended up in a nursing home. She took care of her mother in her mother’s home, in her own home and in hospice. Her mom died the day Christine received her new law license number.
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The Silver Key Coalition, an organization formed a year ago to advocate for a remedy to Michigan’s chronic wait list problem for senior in-home services, has been named the winner of the 2014 Stephen J. Gools Award for Social Change sponsored by AARP Michigan.
"Finding Calm as a Caregiver," a program addressing the challenges and joys of caregiving, will be offered by the Caregiver Resource Network from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 7 at 3215 Eaglecrest Drive NE, Grand Rapids.
Michigan gubernatorial candidates Rick Snyder and Mark Schauer will hold their first and only debate on Sunday at 6 p.m.
Lisa Dedden Cooper, Manager of Advocacy for AARP Michigan, made these comments to the member of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 23:
AARP Michigan strongly supports Senate Bill 2, which would allow Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to use the full extent of their training and education to treat patients.
AARP Michigan advocates on policy issues that matter the most to Michigan residents aged 50 and over, and their families: financial security; affordable, quality health care; and age-friendly communities in which to live.
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