AARP Eye Center

AARP Mississippi is at the State Capitol this year working to make life a little easier for caregivers and all Mississippians. Our top priorities for the 2016 Mississippi Legislative session are:
- Expanding telehealth options.
- Maintaining home- and community-based services.
- Implementing Uniform Power of Attorney.
Expanding telehealth options would help thousands of Mississippians who live in rural areas receive health care. The use of telehealth technologies has the potential to:
- Create better access to care.
- Reduce transportation barriers.
- Improve outcomes for the patient.
Telehealth also would be helpful to family caregivers by reducing the stress and time of transporting their loved ones to medical appointments that could be hours away.
We also will work to ensure that funding for home- and community-based services is maintained. These services include: adult day health care, home-delivered meals, personal care services, institutional respite services, in-home respite and expanded home health visits. They help the patient, as well as the caregiver who has responsibility for care.
AARP Mississippi also is working to implement Uniform Power of Attorney Act. It would help family caregivers navigate financial challenges by making sure these laws are consistent and honored from state to state.
Get Involved!
You can get involved with these issues by becoming a legislative volunteer. As a legislative volunteer, you can talk to your State Legislators, write letters to the editor, post to Facebook and Twitter, and join the Speakers' Bureau. AARP Mississippi staff provides training and support to volunteers.
If you are interested in becoming a Legislative Volunteer, click here.
You can reach us at or 1-866-554-5382.