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AARP AARP States Mississippi Scams & Fraud

Avoid Holiday Scams

AARP Fraud Watch Network

The season of giving brings about holiday cheer that so many are thrilled to celebrate.  With Christmas right around the corner we know everyone is busy finding the perfect gifts for loved ones, decorating trees with ornaments, and spending quality time with family. With all those never ending to-do lists and bargain hunting, many are unaware of the possibility of fraud and scams. Unfortunately, amidst all of the wonderful festivities, some people on Santa’s ”naughty list” are ready to catch you off guard. The season of giving also attracts scammers looking for their next victim. AARP has you covered on different ways to avoid holiday scams, so that you can remain merry.

Rule #1- Buy gifts from reputable stores. Wherever you decide to purchase your gifts be sure that the store has a physical address and phone number, so that you can contact them if need be.

Rule #2- Keep personal identification or pin numbers secure. Always have your personal items such as wallets close to you at all times. Remember do not leave valuables in your car.

Rule #3- Be careful when giving. If you decide to give a donation to a charity, always remember to research the organization, because no one wants to give to a phony charity.

Rule #4- Monitor gift delivery. Companies like UPS or FedEx will be very busy this time of year, so be alert and monitor your delivery dates so that you won’t miss out on your packages.

If you feel you may be a victim of a holiday scam, contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 1-877-908-3360 or click here.





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