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AARP AARP States Montana Voters

Why VOTE This Fall

Social Security and VOTE

This is one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime,” political scholar Norman Ornstein recently told AARP editors about the 2018 midterm elections, and we wholeheartedly agree.

There’s the sheer scope of what we’re voting for. (See attached pages for an accounting.) But it’s also the timing. We are at a moment in which important decisions need to be made on many matters key to the lives of older Americans. Some are obvious, like the future funding and structure of Medicare and our health care system. At the same time, many states are grappling with issues related to worker discrimination, retirement savings, underfunded pensions, Medicaid, caregiving and more. Those we put into office could shape the resolutions of these issues for decades to come.

AARP is 100 percent nonpartisan. We do not tell you who or what party to vote for. But we do want you to know about the issues facing older Americans, the ways each issue can be addressed, and the policies that our organization believes will best serve all older Americans. So vote. For you, your loved ones and America. In the attached story from the AARP Bulletin, you’ll discover even more reasons why it’s important, and lots of resources to help you make informed, thoughtful choices. — The Bulletin editors

Read the full story from the AARP Bulletin here

Bulletin Cover Story

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