AARP Eye Center
Join AARP Nebraska for a series of FREE webinars presented by Nebraska SHIP to answer your questions about Medicare. Register once and you will receive an email the day of each event providing you the link to connect to the webinar.
Nebraska SHIP, a division of the Nebraska Department of Insurance, offers local help for Nebraskans with Medicare.
REGISTER NOW! All webinars will be held from 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Central Time.

July 13: Welcome to Medicare
Medicare is a program that is made up of ever-changing parts, countless dates, and specific rules depending on your situation. Because of the complexity of the program, many newly eligible individuals find themselves lost in a Medicare maze. One wrong turn can end up delaying your coverage or even preventing enrollment to certain parts of Medicare. Medicare is confusing, Nebraska SHIP makes it easier! Join us as we cover the basics of Medicare including how much it costs, what is covered and when you can enroll.
July 27: Medicare Supplement vs Medicare Advantage Plans: What’s the difference?
As you research your Medicare options, you will find an overwhelming number of options. One of the most important choices is deciding between a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Advantage Plan. The advertisements make each choice look appealing, but how do you really know which one is right for you? Join us as we break down the differences between the two options and share tips on making the best decision for your situation.
August 10: I’m turning 65, should I enroll in Medicare?
Are you approaching age 65 and contemplating enrolling in Medicare? For some people, enrolling as soon as possible is the best option. For those working past 65, delaying Medicare benefits may be a better choice. Making the wrong choice could have lifelong consequences. Join us as we discuss Medicare enrollment rules, penalties and how to determine if work coverage or Medicare is the best option for you.
August 24: I worked past 65 and am now retiring. How do I enroll in Medicare?
Working past 65 is becoming more common. For many people, this means delaying Medicare enrollment until they retire and lose health coverage from their employer. The process to enroll after 65 is different compared to those who enroll at 65. Join us as we discuss how to enroll after your 65th birthday including your timeline, needed forms and what you need to consider when making enrollment decisions.

Sept 14: Medicare Fraud
Medicare estimates $60 billion is lost to Medicare fraud and abuse each year. Every day new fraud and scams are popping up all over the county. Join Nebraska SHIP as we discuss how to protect, detect and report Medicare fraud. We will also share the fraud and scams we are seeing in Nebraska and what to do if you encounter these schemes.
Sept 28: Planfinder Demo
Medicare Part D Open Enrollment, your opportunity to compare plans, is fast approaching. Comparing Part D plans is a quick and easy way to make sure you are not over paying for your prescriptions. Medicare provides a great tool, the Plan Finder, to compare your options. Join us as we demonstrate how to use Plan Finder and tips on getting the best results when doing a Part D comparison.
October 12: How do I choose a Medicare Part D Plan?

Each year Medicare Part D plans change and your medication needs may change too. A yearly review of your Part D options can help you maximize your prescription benefits and save money! In 2019, Nebraska SHIP helped Nebraskans save over $14,500,000 by simply comparing Part D options. Join us as we discuss what to look for in a Part D plan and tips to ensure you are getting the best plan for you.