AARP Eye Center

Ready for a new and rewarding volunteer opportunity serving adults age 50 and over in the Omaha metro area? The volunteer-run AARP Nebraska Information Center is seeking a Community Events Coordinator and Promotions/Public Relations Coordinator.
Located in The Center Mall at 42nd and Center Sts., the center provides AARP publications at no cost, offers monthly educational and entertainment programs, along with services such as free Tax-Aide counseling, Medicare Part D assistance, help with homestead exemption applications, Driver Safety refresher courses, Tai Chi classes and a popular community shredding event every spring. The center also holds free computer classes for adults of all ages at Kids Can Community Center.
See the AARP Nebraska Information Center volunteer position descriptions below. For more information or to apply, contact the center at (402) 398-9568 or send email to
This volunteer will have responsibility for the coordination and planning of the community outreach activities of the AARP Nebraska Information Center. This involves arranging for NIC/AARP educational displays and information tables at conventions, meetings and conferences focused on health, wellness and other pertinent issues. He/she will also recruit and train NIC volunteers to staff these events.
Duties to include:
- Establishment & maintenance of a data base of information about community educational events including health fairs, courses and workshops which may be of interest to AARP’s target audience.
- In late summer, in collaboration with the NIC Coordinator and Assoc. Coordinator, to select events and create the NIC Community Events schedule. (To revise and expand this schedule through the year as new community activities are publicized.)
- To work with the Publications Manager to insure the availability of a variety of printed materials suitable for distribution to participants at the selected community events.
- To recruit volunteers to assist with the planning, transporting, set-up and staffing of the NIC table or booth during these events.
- To collect data and maintain records of events covered, people served and publications distributed. To share this information with the Data Manager to insure that it is included in NIC statistical reports.
- To maintain a record of volunteers involved in each community event to insure that appropriate recognition is given for these services.
This volunteer will have responsibility for needs identification and the coordination and implementation of local promotion for the AARP Nebraska Information Center and for its programs and events. This involves working with NIC administrators and those AARP volunteers in charge of specific programs and events. It also involves coordination with the Associate State Director of Communications when appropriate. The coordinator will involve other interested NIC volunteers in these efforts.
Duties to include:
- Working with administration, study and document NIC’s current needs for public relations and promotion to support the Center and its programs and events.
- Identifying one or two interested volunteers and form a Promotions Group or Committee to develop a plan to assist in the promotion of such NIC events as the Monthly programs, Shredding, Computer Classes.
- Volunteer recruitment and a public relations plan to increase awareness of the NIC and its other services.
- Seeking input from State Director, State Communications Director & NIC Administration and the Management Team regarding the plan and its implementation.
- Gathering a data base of information about communitycommunications resources and contacts.
- Offering the services of the Promotions Committee to those volunteers directing the various NIC events and activities.
- Serving as NIC promotion liaison with the State Communications director.
- Maintaining a record of promotional activities carried out and theireffectiveness when that is possible to determine.