AARP Eye Center

Have you ever been given a “great offer” or “hot tip” on an investment? These tips and offers can be tempting, and risky. Scam artists are masters of persuasion, tailoring their pitches to get to your pocketbook. The AARP Fraud Watch Network and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation are partnering together to provide AARP members in Nebraska with resources to recognize, refuse, and report investment fraud and answer your questions about keeping your money safe.
Listen in as we talk to guest experts from AARP Nebraska, the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, Nebraska's Department of Banking and Finance and the AARP Fraud Watch Network.
WHEN: Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 3-4 p.m. CDT
HOW: Watch live on the AARP Nebraska Facebook page or register to receive a phone call to listen in at