AARP Eye Center

AARP New Mexico is once again sponsoring two free document shredding events, in Las Cruces and Santa Fe, as part of AARP’s Operation: Stop Scams, done in connection with Smart Money Week, April 21 st to April 28th.
Every two seconds someone’s identity is stolen. Shredding confidential documents you no longer need is one good way to protect yourself.
“It’s not unheard of for scammers to shift through a person’s trash, no matter how icky, to find documents that contain your name, address, places where you do business, and other personal information so they can use it to gain access to your accounts, or set-up fraudulent accounts in your name,” said Gary Williams, AARP New Mexico Associate State Director for Community Outreach.
“Shredding any documents that contain your personal information or sensitive information is the best way to dispose of them and protect your finances, that’s why AARP is offering these free shredding events. One – it’s a way to help people safely dispose of their documents but it’s also an opportunity to remind everyone what steps they need to take to protect their information from scammers,” Williams said.
The first shredding event will be held in Las Cruces, Saturday, April 21, in the Walmart parking lot, at 541 Walton Blvd, 88011, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The second event will be held in Santa Fe, Saturday, April 28, at the Santa Fe Place Mall’s south parking lot, 4250 Cerrillos Road, 87505, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Individuals will be served on a first come, first served basis and shredding is done on site. Households are limited to two, banker-type boxes of materials, with an estimated weight of 50 pounds. Shredding will begin promptly at 10 a.m. and finish precisely at noon, as the trucks are under a strict contract, or earlier if the trucks reach their full capacity.
For more information contact Gary Williams at 505-946-3601 or at