AARP Eye Center

Did you know how your shoes fit can keep you from falling? Find out if your shoes fit correctly and other ways to prevent falling at a special Falls Risk Screening event.
The free clinic is sponsored by the Falls Coalition, in partnership with the Albuquerque Senior Meals program at the Los Duranes Community Center, 2920 Leopoldo Rd NW, Albuquerque, 87104 and will be held at the Center, Friday, Sept. 22, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Falls Coalition is a group of physical therapists, gerontologists, professionals in the aging field, and the Matter of Balance state program. A Matter of Balance is an evidenced based, fall prevention training program.
“Falling can have serious consequences, which are even more exacerbated as we age,” said Asia Negrón- Esposito, a Master Trainer with A Matter of Balance and an AARP New Mexico Volunteer Leader. “A fall can lead to detrimental health issues.”
“It’s surprising how a few simple steps and an increased awareness can help prevent falls. Making sure your shoes fit correctly is a great example of this,” Negrón-Esposito said.
The shoe fit clinic will be conducted by a podiatrist, who will assess the shoes people are wearing and give them a reasonable idea how well they have chosen their shoes, including fit, support and safety in terms of preventing falls.
In addition, physical therapy students will be conducting simple evaluations of people’s gait as well as gauging the ability to stand without falling, from a sitting position and other stability tests.
Lunch will be served and there will be musical entertainment. There will also be handouts and information. The Fall Coalition Board Members will also be there to answer questions.
For more information call 505-767-5900.