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AARP AARP States North Dakota Caregiving

Family Caregiver Resources for North Dakota

Caucasian woman hugging mother in wheelchair

En español | Caregiving may be one of the most important, and challenging, roles you’ll ever take on. No matter where you are in your caregiving journey — starting to plan; taking care of a family member in your home, in a facility, or from a distance; or managing end-of-life caregiving responsibilities — having resources at your fingertips will make the process easier.

AARP developed this family caregiver guide with you, the caregiver, in mind and as a starting point to help you find the services and support you might need throughout your journey.

To order a print copy of this online guide, call the toll-free AARP Family Caregiving Resource Line at 877-333-5885 and indicate which state(s) you would like to receive. A copy will be mailed to you.

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Caregiver Support

Family Caregiver Support Program (855-462-5465; 800-366-6888)
Administers programs and services that help caregivers assist older adults and adults with physical disabilities. Services include caregiver coordinator assistance, counseling, respite care and supplemental services to help with costs of some caregiving supplies.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers (701-231-5948)
Education program helps family members develop skills and knowledge for self-care during their caregiving journey and to assist where they may be struggling.


Great Plains Food Bank (701-232-6219; 701-751-6188)
Provides food to more than 300 pantries, soup kitchens and shelters. Its Mobile Food Pantry program delivers food to areas where a partner agency isn’t readily available.

North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services—Economic Assistance Policy Division (701-328-2332; 800-755-2716; 800-366-6888; 711 TTY)
Offers a variety of services to help low-income qualified families meet their basic needs.


Legal Services of North Dakota (Under age 60: 800-634-5263; Age 60-plus: 866-621-9886)
Provides legal assistance in a variety of matters to low-income and older residents.

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North Dakota Department of Health & Human Services— Medical Services Division (701-328-7068; 800-755-2604; 800-366-6888; 711 TTY)
Pays for health services for qualifying families with children, older adults, pregnant women or those with a disability.

North Dakota Insurance Department Prescription Connection (888-575-6611)
Assists eligible residents of all ages in acquiring prescriptions that might otherwise be unattainable.

State Health Insurance Assistance Program (701-328-2440; 888-575-6611 hotline; 800-366-6888; 711 TTY)
Offers free help with Medicare and other health insurance. Counselors are trained in all aspects of senior insurance issues such as Medicare, Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans.

Housing and Facilities

Department of Health & Human Services—Home- and Community- Based Long-Term Care (855-462-5465; 800-366-6888; 711 TTY)
Provides in-home and community services and support for older adults and individuals with physical disabilities.


North Dakota Housing Finance Agency (800-292-8621; 711 TTY)
Offers affordable home financing and rental assistance programs to low- to moderate-income families.

North Dakota Housing Program (701-858-3580; 800-233-1737)
Helps find affordable housing for eligible older people or those with a disability who wish to transition out of institutions or nursing facilities and back into the community in the least restrictive setting possible.

Information and Services

Aging & Disability Resource Link of North Dakota (855-462-5465; 800-366-6888; 711 TTY)
Free resource guide to statewide services and supports including housing, in-home care, insurance, legal and long-term care and disability services.

Department of Health & Human Services — Adults and Aging Services Division (855-462-5465; 800-366-6888; 711 TTY)
Administers programs and services to enhance the ability of individuals to maintain independence and remain in their own homes and communities.

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Department of Transportation — Local Bus and Transit Services (701-328-2500; 855-637-6237)
Provides information on fixed route and dial-a-ride/paratransit services, transportation from rural communities to regional hubs.

North Dakota Assistive (800-895-4728)
Offers assistive technology devices and services for all ages, including support in classrooms, communities and workplaces, as well as technology that enables older adults to safely continue living in their own homes.

End of Life

Department of Health & Human Services — Hospice Programs (800-545-8256)
Provides a list of statewide hospice facilities and a hospice program search tool.

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