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AARP AARP States North Dakota Events

Get creative with AARP ND's fall art classes

Smiling woman enjoying mosaic art and craft class

Making art increases focus, lowers stress, and creates joy. Tap into all those positives with AARP ND's fall art classes.

Mosaic Art Classes in Bismarck | Tuesday, Oct. 10
Join us for a mosaic art class with instruction provided by artist Molly McLain. You'll create your own colorful mosaic to take home. No charge to attend. Materials and refreshments will be provided. Register for one of the classes today!

Collage Art Classes in Grand Forks | Thursday, Oct. 12
Gain a greater understanding of the elements of design including line, shape, texture, space and color during this two-hour class led by North Dakota Museum of Art Executive Director Mathew Wallace. You'll incorporate each element of design to create your own collage to take home. No charge for materials or to attend. Refreshments provided. Register for one of the classes today!

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