AARP Eye Center

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, AARP has canceled all in-person events for the remainder of 2020. But we are conducting many of those events online or by telephone.
We are encouraging AARP members in North Dakota to sign up to receive email from AARP North Dakota about these events and how you can be a part of them. Go to to sign up to receive email from us.
If you don’t already have an account on the AARP website, you’ll have to create one (by entering a user name and password) before you can sign up to receive our email.
You'll receive emails about online webinars and telephone town halls as well as other AARP North Dakota news. Once we are able to again host in-person events like lunch and learns, Movies for Grownups, and free document shredding, you’ll be among the first to know about them. We'll also periodically send you an email with other news from AARP North Dakota, such as volunteer opportunities.
So, please sign up to receive our emails to help us stay connected with you.
You can also stay up to date by visiting our webpage at and follow us on for the latest information.
At AARP, we have been promoting the health and well-being of older Americans for more than 60 years. Our top priority is the health and well-being of staff, volunteers, members and the community at large. We are monitoring developments closely and are taking precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local public health agencies.
In the meantime, AARP continues to provide information and resources to help people protect themselves from the virus and prevent its spread. You can find AARP's coronavirus resources at
AARP is also conducting coronavirus telephone town halls each Thursday at 12 p.m. CDT. The calls feature different guests each week. A North Dakotan was featured during an earlier call to share her expertise with caregivers. To join, just dial toll-free 855-274-9507.