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AARP AARP States Oklahoma Uncategorized

AARP supports HB 2985 which provides 4% cost-of-living adjustment for retired public servants

AARP's founder, Ethel Andrus, first founded the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA) and, later, AARP. NRTA and AARP have always maintained a strong relationship. Many of AARP OK's 400,000 members are retired police officers, fire fighters, teachers or state employees. As such, we fully support our retired public servants.

Currently, there is a bill in the Oklahoma House of Representatives, HB 2985, by Representative Frix that would provide a 4% cost-of-living adjustment - something which has not occurred in 10 years.

HB 2985 would not cost tax payers anything and has almost no impact on the pension systems. This is a common-sense bill that needs to be heard.

Please call 1-844-248-8227 or EMAIL your state representative today and ask him or her to let HB 2985 be heard. The deadline for the bill to be heard is March 15, 2018- please take action today.


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