AARP Eye Center

On October 7, OG&E customers received an email that read, "Beginning Oct. 1, 2022, you will see an increase to the fuel charge on your bill of 7.4% or approximately $9.73 per month for the average residential customer." While an investigation is underway and subject to a hearing in early November, OG&E unilaterally opted to saddle customers with another rate hike. AARP Oklahoma intervened at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, objecting to OG&E's plan for the collection of a $424 million fuel adjustment charge from customers.
AARP Oklahoma state president Jim Randall supports the investigation filed by commission staff. He said the exorbitant charges are unfair and questioned the lack of accountability and transparency from profitable utility companies like OG&E.
"Three rate hikes in one year is outrageous, egregious and shameful. Oklahomans are making sacrifices because they can't afford these skyrocketing utility bills. OG&E continues to line its pockets without regard for the economic hardships Oklahomans face.
Where is OG&E's plan to share in the sacrifice? All we see is OG&E's report of nearly $10.0 million in profit last quarter and predicted another year of profits between $375 and $395 million. Why isn't OG&E being asked to kick in some of their estimated $395 million in profits and help customers?
AARP Oklahoma warned of relentless utility rate hikes that extend beyond the recent rate increases approved by the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. That is why we continue to advocate for a moratorium on rate hikes and an investigation by the corporation commission. We must get to the bottom of this out-of-control spending frenzy on the backs of Oklahoma families."
Randall said news of yet another OG&E rate hike in less than three months is unbelievable. "OG&E also plans another rate increase of $12 per month beginning in January 2023. Customers can't afford it, and OG&E knows this, but OG&E just doesn't care," Randall said.
Randall said AARP Oklahoma would continue to fight for fair and reasonable utility rates on behalf of our nearly 400,000 and all Oklahomans. Randall urged Oklahomans to fight back and visit to tell the corporation commissioners, "Enough is enough!"