AARP Eye Center

AARP Oklahoma is fighting against Public Service Company of Oklahoma’s (PSO) latest attempt to raise customer utility rates. PSO, a subsidiary of American Electric Power (AEP), is asking the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to approve a $172.4 million rate hike while maintaining one of the highest fixed monthly charges in the country.
AARP Oklahoma is also troubled to learn that PSO signed a settlement agreement that would shift more of this rate increase to residential customers and away from large electricity consumers like industrial plants. Additionally, PSO wants to maintain its extraordinarily high fixed monthly charge of $20. PSO assesses the $20 fixed charge to Oklahoma consumers before they even flip on a switch and use electricity. All of this on top of the fact that PSO will be seeking another rate increase in December resulting in the potential for PSO customers to have face back-to-back rate increases if the Corporation Commission approves PSO requests.
To date, more than 1,500 AARP members have contacted the Corporation Commission and asked the commissioners to deny the bloated rate hike and ask for the monthly fixed charge to be dramatically reduced.
“There is no question Oklahoma seniors face tough times with rising costs of food, health care and prescription drugs. They are tightening their belts, and it is only fair that PSO does the same thing,” said AARP Oklahoma State Director Sean Voskuhl. “AARP Oklahoma and its members are continuing to fight back against PSO’s back-to-back rate requests.”
AARP is also pushing back against the high monthly fixed charge that PSO assesses its customers. “PSO’s Texas affiliate assesses its customers only $4.79 a month for fixed charges, but choose to charge Oklahomans four times as much,” said AARP Oklahoma State President JoeAnn Vermillion. “While we will undoubtedly win one Red River Rivalry this weekend, Oklahoma seniors lose another each month.”
Following Tuesday’s hearing, the Corporation Commission’s administrative law judge will review testimony and filings in the case and make recommendations to Oklahoma elected Corporation Commissioners, who will have the ultimate say.
AARP Oklahoma encourages its members and all PSO customers to reach out to the Corporation Commission at or call toll-free at 800-522-8154
and share stories about how the proposed $172 million rate increase will affect them.