AARP Eye Center

The interactive telephone town hall focuses on AARP’s continued advocacy efforts at the state Capitol and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission regarding a series of utility rate increases for natural gas and electric customers.
In addition to discussing the proposed $294 million PSO rate hike currently being heard by the Corporation Commission, participants will learn about ONG’s proposed $27.6 million, costing customers $2.57 a month or more than $30 a year if approved. Also, on the heels of OG&E reporting record profits in 2022 of $439.5 million, OG&E indicated it might ask the Corporation Commission for another rate hike this year.
The panelists for the interactive town hall include Sean Voskuhl, AARP Oklahoma State Director, and Deborah Thompson, AARP Oklahoma utility attorney. They will field questions from telephone town hall participants and respond to Facebook comments and questions.
Register for the telephone town hall HERE, and we will call you when the telephone town hall starts, or RSVP to the event on the AARP Oklahoma Facebook page and get a notification before the virtual event begins.