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AARP AARP States Oklahoma

Free Drive-Thru Shred Event in Enid: April 19

OK Fraud Enid Shred

AARP Oklahoma, The Enid News & Eagle and Security National Bank are hosting a free shred event on April 19 from 9 a.m. to noon. The shredding will occur at Security National Bank, 201 W. Maine, in the parking lot south of the drive-thru. The event is free and open to the public, providing a convenient and accessible way to dispose of sensitive documents. AARP membership is not required to participate.

Security National Bank SVP Human Resources Corporate Communications April Danahy said the shred event is especially timely. "Following the tax deadline is a perfect time to dispose of documents with personal information safely," Danahy said.

"We urge people to shred personal documents such as account numbers, birth dates, passwords, PINs, signatures and Social Security and driver's license numbers to protect their identities from criminals," Danahy said.

Enid News & Eagle Publisher Micheal Kellogg said the second annual event returns due to popular demand. "Dozens of people took advantage of the free shredding service, and we are happy to help provide this service again this year for our community."

Based on the 2024 Federal Trade Commission report, Oklahoma experienced $72.7 million in fraud losses, with identity theft being the most frequently reported type of fraud. AARP Oklahoma State Director Sean Voskuhl said, "We encourage people, of all ages, to fight fraud and shred instead."

Shred event organizers request attendees adhere to the following guidelines.

  • Please do not bring documents that contain metal larger than a staple.   
  • Please do not bring magazines or cardboard to shred.   
  • There is a maximum of two boxes per person.  

     Voskuhl said AARP Oklahoma offers a complimentary fraud prevention kit which may be requested at In addition, people can enter to win a $100 gift card.

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