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AARP AARP States Oklahoma Caregiving

Nine out of 10 Oklahoma Voters 40-plus Support a Family Caregiver Tax Credit

AARP Oklahoma urges state lawmakers to support unpaid family caregivers of older adults with a tax credit. The Caring for Caregivers Act, HB 1368 by Rep. Tammy West and by Sen. John Michael Montgomery, will provide financial relief to family caregivers who pay for home safety modifications, medical equipment or home safety health care to allow their loved ones to remain at home longer. 

The tax credit covers 50% of family caregivers' expenses up to $2,000. The cap is extended to $3,000 if the care recipient is a veteran or has Alzheimer's or related dementia. Eligible expenses include home modifications such as installing a ramp, durable medical equipment, assistive technologies, home health and more.

In a recent AARP survey, 91% of registered voters aged 40-plus said they support a tax credit for family caregivers. Findings show strong support across party lines, with Republicans at 90%, Independents at 91% and Democrats at 94% in favor of the Caring for Caregivers Act.

AARP Oklahoma State President Jim Randall said the tax credit, which has statewide support, also mitigates more costly taxpayer-funded nursing home expenses. "Family caregivers save the state billions of dollars by providing unpaid care for their loved ones," Randall said. "This tax credit is long overdue. We owe it to family caregivers."

According to a 2021 AARP survey, family caregivers spend more than $7,200 yearly on out-of-pocket expenses. "Family caregiving can be physically, emotionally and financially challenging," Voskuhl said. "The Caring for Caregivers Act recognizes the hard work and sacrifice and assists those stepping up to the plate to care for their loved ones."

Other key survey findings show 93% of Oklahoma family caregivers pay out-of-pocket expenses for the following;

  • Transportation – 84%
  • Medical equipment – 50%
  • Home modifications – 42%
  • Hire in-home support services – 28%
  • Respite services – 16%

“Family caregivers are the backbone of our country’s long-term care system,” Randall said. “AARP Oklahoma won’t stop fighting until they have the support and resources they need. Now is the time for Oklahomans to make their voices heard and tell their lawmakers to pass the Caring for Caregivers Act.”

Oklahomans can send their state senator an email supporting the Caring for Caregivers Act by visiting or calling 866-839-1067 (toll-free).

The infographic below may be downloaded HERE.

OK Caregiver Tax Credit Survey Infographic
Henry, Melanie

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