AARP Eye Center

AARP Oklahoma was active throughout the Oklahoma 59th Legislature, and now much of the legislation we supported has been signed into law.
- HB 1877 by Rep. West and Sen. Coleman: Helps combat misuse of antipsychotic drugs in assisted living facilities by requiring disclosure of use to family members and monitoring for adverse effects.
- HB 1894 by Rep. Miller and Sen. Pugh: Better protects consumers paying for memory care services in an assisted living facility by ensuring services are being provided and trained staff.
- HB 1019 by Rep. Worthen and Sen. Simpson: Helps fight the high cost of insulin by capping insurance copays at $30 for a 30 day supply or $90 for a 90 day supply.
- HB 1009 by Rep. Simms and Sen. Montgomery: Increases the income cap for the second homestead exemption on property taxes from $20,000 to $25,000 and makes clear federal stimulus money won’t count towards that cap to ensure those that need this important tax-saving measure can qualify for it.
- SB 198 by Sen. Rosino and Rep. Lawson: Strengthens protections for vulnerable adults by improving Oklahoma’s adult guardianship laws, including allowing less restrictive options such as supported decision making to preserve independence and fight against fraud.
- SB 674 by Sen. McCortney and Rep. McEntire: Makes changes to laws around telehealth to help ensure that telehealth is covered by insurance and more readily available. This bill will allow some of the changes we saw during the pandemic to become permanent."While we celebrate these legislative wins, we also continue to fight for you during the interim," said AARP Oklahoma State Director Sean Voskuhl.
"At the state level, we are continuing to advocate for reforms in long-term care and are working to ensure Oklahomans can choose the care setting of their choice. We will also keep up the fight for a state solution to prescription drug costs, including our support for SB 734 to reduce the cost of prescription drugs and pass the savings on to you." Voskuhl said.
AARP OK will continue to be the state's leading consumer advocate and fight for fair and reasonable utility rates, especially following the winter storm and proposed PSO and NG rate increases. Voskuhl said AARP will continue to advocate on your behalf at the federal level, fight to lower the high cost of prescription drugs and protect hard-earned Social Security benefits.
"We fought hard for you at the Capitol. Thanks to those of you who acted by contacting your legislator and letting your voice be heard, we were able to achieve many positive steps in improving the lives of older Oklahomans," Voskuhl said.