AARP Eye Center

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted systemic deficiencies in long-
term care forcing everyone to evaluate and reimagine how we better care for our loved ones. What are the options? Where should we go in advocating for our state’s most frail and vulnerable citizens? What reforms could help prevent a repeat of the COVID-19 disaster?
AARP Oklahoma is proud to sponsor the Journal Record News Now virtual panel, "Reimagining Long-term Care" featuring Sean Voskuhl, AARP OK state director, Karen Orsi, Oklahoma Mental Health and Aging Coalition director and Marilyn Olson, Villages OKC executive director.
Friday, May 14 at 11 a.m.
REGISTER HERE for this free virtual event. This link will take you to a Journal Record Now (JR Now) registration page. Please note, this is not an AARP website. Any information you provide to the host organization will be governed by its privacy policy.