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AARP AARP States Oklahoma Advocacy

Tell your representative to vote YES on HB 2537; Protect Oklahoma's most vulnerable

Take Action to Protect Oklahoma’s Most Vulnerable TODAY!

Tell your representative to put people before profits! Tell them to vote yes on HB 2537!

Oklahoma is a disaster prone state, we all know this. But did you know that many assisted living centers in Oklahoma don’t have back up power generators? Can you imagine Oklahoma’s most frail and vulnerable having to weather an ice storm or endure a power outage in one of Oklahoma’s hot summers? Last year, 11 residents of a nursing home in Florida passed away when they overheated due to a lack of air conditioning—an all too real possibility here.

New rules require nursing homes to have backup power generation, but there is no such requirement for assisted living centers. It is time for that to change. HB 2537 will require assisted living centers to have enough backup power to heat and cool the facility as well as keep food and medicine safe.

HB 2537 will be heard on MONDAY so it is important to call (toll free 1-844-248-8227 ) or E-Mail your representative TODAY! Gambling with our loved ones lives has gone on for far too long. It’s time to pass HB 2537 and put people before profits. Call or E-mail your representative today!

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