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AARP AARP States South Dakota Advocacy

Our Advocates Went to Pierre and Witnessed History

Group of older adults in red vests in the South Dakota Capitol with Governor Larry Rhoden.
2025 Lobby Day Volunteers with Governor Rhoden

It’s hard to believe, but we are at the end of January and the completion of Week 3 of the 2025 South Dakota legislative session.

Read on for information about legislative activity in Pierre this week, as well as a moment in history our Lobby Day volunteers were able to watch. The picture above provides a little clue! 

Senate Bill 79: E-bikes on the Mickelson Trail
On Tuesday during the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, AARP South Dakota testified in opposition to Senate Bill (SB) 79 which would prohibit Class 2 e-bikes on the Mickelson Trail in the Black Hills. Unfortunately, SB 79 passed in committee on a 6-1 vote and on the Senate floor on a 33-2 vote. The bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration.


Adults today have a wide array of bicycles to choose from to best meet their needs and abilities – including electric bikes. E-bikes are growing in popularity, with use increasing with a rider's age as a way to continue cycling when stamina declines.

These bikes have an electric battery “assist” that can benefit riders needing a less physically demanding ride. Current definitions of e-bikes in South Dakota are:

  • Class 1: motor provides assistance only when the person is pedaling and ceases to assist at 20mph per hour.
  • Class 2: motor is capable of propelling the bicycle without the person pedaling and ceases to assist at 20mph.
  • Class 3: motor provides assistance only when the person is pedaling and ceases to provide assistance at 28mph.

The outdoors and trails should be open to users of all ages and abilities, and being able to use an e-bike is a benefit to older adults and others with mobility issues.

Through AARP’s Livable Communities work, we know that a livable community is one that offers choices in where to live and how to get around. Livable communities enhance personal independence, provide opportunities for people to fully engage in social and recreational opportunities and prioritize accessibility.

We believe that e-bikes themselves are not the safety concern when it comes to their use on trails. Rather, it is the rider who must follow safety guidelines, such as riding at safe or posted speeds, keeping to the right, yielding to pedestrians and passing on the left with audible signals.

NOTE: Please keep an eye out for a future action alert on this bill as it moves over to the House of Representatives.

House Bill 1082: Jury Duty Requirements
On Wednesday, AARP South Dakota successfully worked to defeat House Bill (HB) 1082 in the House Judiciary committee on a 7-6 vote. HB 1082 originally would have not allowed South Dakotans aged 70 and over to serve on a jury.


The bill was amended in committee to allow exceptions to not serve on a jury for individuals aged 80 and older to individuals aged 75 and older. While not as harsh as the original language, the committee determined the amended bill wasn’t needed.

South Dakotans have a history of being civically engaged and that includes the public duty to serve on juries. Excluding individuals over the age of 70 from being on a jury would have deprived our local communities and counties of jurors with a lifetime of knowledge and real-world experience that can be applied to any type of court case.

Senate Bill 44: Property and Sales Tax Relief 
On Thursday, AARP South Dakota, testified in favor of Senate Bill (SB) 44 which provides property and sales tax relief to low income South Dakotans age 65 and older. Action on SB 44 was deferred by the Joint Committee on Appropriations (JCA) until later in session.

Real estate market concept

This tax refund provides tax relief to South Dakota’s most vulnerable citizens. Property taxes are the single most burdensome tax for many low-income and older homeowners. Many of our elderly citizens have lived in their homes for decades. As their property values have appreciated, so have their property taxes.

Furthermore, older adults often live on fixed incomes and cannot afford the yearly increases in their property taxes while also meeting their basic needs for food, medicine and utilities.

In June 2024, AARP SD had the opportunity to launch an awareness campaign using our own internal communications channels, such as emails to our members statewide, as well as statewide outlets like radio, newspaper, digital and social media ads. The goal of this effort was to encourage more people to explore their eligibility and apply.

As a result, applications received last year compared to the previous year increased and applications refunded also increased.

We applaud the Governor and Legislature for supporting this program for over 50 years. We will continue to update on you on this issue as session progresses.

cup of coffee sitting on a table in the foreground with a group of people in the background

Legislative Cracker Barrels: Your Chance to Visit with Lawmakers at Home
Remember to check this listing of upcoming legislative cracker barrel events to see if there is a session happening in your community. If you don’t see your community listed, talk with your legislators or your local Chamber of Commerce to see if any cracker barrels will be scheduled during this legislative session.

AARP SD Lobby Day
This was a big week in Pierre for AARP South Dakota.

Lunch_Jill Doug Eric Muckey.jpeg

Volunteers from around the state gathered for two days of education and learning, as well as spending time at the Capitol visiting with lawmakers. Read more about it here.

That's all for this week's update from Pierre!