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Scams & Fraud

Tips to watch for summer door-to-door sales scams
Tips to know about Cryptocurrency ATM machines and scams.
Spring has sprung and with warmer weather comes home repairs. Unfortunately, shady contractors are out there looking for homeowners in the market for needed repairs.
If you’re like many Americans, the arrival of a package at your doorstep is a common occurrence. In the age of digital shopping, it has become harder than ever to keep track of what is coming when and from whom. This new reality has led directly to the rise of the digital package delivery scam.
Tax season isn't just about filing returns; it's also prime time for IRS impostor scams.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new shiny object that has captured the world’s attention. It’s also captured the attention of criminal scammers who are using it to make their fraudulent schemes more realistic than ever.
The past two years have seen an explosion of cryptocurrency scams which has led many people to ask the same question - how? After all, cryptocurrency is something most people don’t understand, and those who do follow it know that it is very volatile, completely unregulated, and has no protection for investors.
Getting tickets to must-see concerts is becoming harder than ever. From presale signup to waiting hours online and still missing out on the tickets you want, criminals have a solution – and it’s costing consumers a lot of money in fraudulent ticket purchases.
Winter is upon us and with temperatures plummeting in many areas, keeping the heat on is critical — a fact that fraud criminals try to take advantage of. Each winter, utility scams spike as scammers claiming to be from the utility company say you haven’t been paying your bill and they threaten to cut off service if you don’t make an immediate payment.
If you’re like a lot of people, you just finished some holiday season spending, and you might be in the mood to tackle your debt in the New Year. Getting yourself out of debt is hard work. It takes time and discipline. Be wary of offers of guaranteed quick fixes.
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