AARP Eye Center

South Dakota voters, we need your help! In addition to providing our regular weekly recap of the week's activity in Pierre, we have an important action item.
Please read the information about Senate Bill 188 below, and take action this weekend to tell our South Dakota Senate to protect South Dakotans' ability to exercise their right to vote.
Your voice matters, and we appreciate you being part of our advocacy community.

Senate Bill 188: Changes to Absentee Voting
Yesterday, AARP South Dakota testified against Senate Bill (SB) 188, which would modify the eligibility requirements to vote by absentee ballot and shorten the timeframe for absentee voting. On a 6-3 vote, the Senate State Affairs Committee voted to send the bill to the Senate floor for consideration.
Thank you to the more than 100 advocates who responded to our Action Alert that went to the Senate State Affairs Committee before yesterday’s hearing. Now, however, we need you again!
Because that Committee didn’t listen to all of the constituents – and county auditors from around the state – who oppose this bill, now is your chance to contact the full South Dakota Senate.
We need you to take a moment to send a message and urge them to vote no. This bill will limit voter participation, and we need to step up to defeat this bill now more than ever!
AARP South Dakota opposes SB 188 because it adds unnecessary barriers that prevent older adults from participating in elections…older adults who are a key group participating at high levels in every election.
It is extremely concerning that this bill would require very narrow and specific conditions to be eligible for absentee voting. The bill does away with “no excuse” absentee voting and reduces absent voting to only 15 days before an election – both of which are backwards steps for voting access in South Dakota. We have had the current absentee voting process for over 20 years, and it is a safe and secure format that should remain in place.
In addition to sending a message to state senators, this would be a great topic to bring up if you see your local senators at any weekend legislative coffee or cracker barrel sessions. At the bottom of this email, we have a link to a cracker barrel calendar. See if there’s a meeting happening in your area. If you attend, be sure to urge your senators to vote NO on Senate Bill 188.

Senate Bill 216: Governor's Property Tax Plan
AARP South Dakota testified in favor of Senate Bill (SB) 216, which is Governor Rhoden’s property tax plan. On an 8-1 vote, the bill passed in the Senate State Affairs Committee and goes to the Senate floor for consideration.
AARP South Dakota supports the bill because it broadens participation in the state’s senior assessment freeze program by increasing the income limit to $55,000 for single taxpayers and $65,000 for multi-member households (the current limits are $40,000 single and $52,000 multi-member households). It also increases the assessed value limit for program participation to $500,000 from the current $345,000.
As the property tax debate continues, AARP South Dakota hopes our legislature will keep in mind that protecting the home as an asset is essential to helping ensure that the 50-plus – and all South Dakotans – are financially secure and can age in their own homes.
The property tax continues to be the most burdensome tax for many of our low-income and older people to absorb. The tax is imposed on an illiquid, indivisible asset, making it difficult to pay for those with limited liquid income.
At the same time, the property tax is an important source of tax revenue for South Dakota’s local governments. The property tax funds some of the government services most important and visible to our taxpayers such as schools, police, fire, and parks.
Given that property taxes provide revenue for the public services that taxpayers value, effective property tax relief programs require policymakers to be strategic. To preserve revenue for essential services, property tax relief measures must be efficient, targeting relief to those most in need. They must also be well designed to specifically address the financial challenges faced by taxpayers who possess value in their home but may lack current cash flow to pay property taxes.
AARP South Dakota supports SB 216 because we believe it is targeted to those South Dakotans with the most need, an important principle for relief to help ensure that local governments have the revenue they need to provide essential services.

Legislative Cracker Barrels: Your Chance to Visit with Lawmakers at Home
Check this listing of upcoming legislative cracker barrel events to see if there is a session happening in your community.
Reminder: if you attend a session this weekend and see your state senator, urge them to protect South Dakotans' voting access and VOTE NO on Senate Bill 188.