AARP Eye Center

AARP Night at the Sioux Falls City Futbol Club is Friday, June 2!
The Sioux Falls City Futbol Club (SFCFC) is back in action this year with their first home game on June 2 at Bob Young Field.
AARP South Dakota has a $5 ticket offer for the event, which includes a game ticket and a meal voucher.
We’re also proud to be collaborating with SFCFC to raise awareness about mental health. When it comes to our health and well-being, mental health is just as important as physical health. It is important to normalize the fact that anyone can experience mental health struggles and that it is absolutely essential to seek help from family, friends and health professionals.
Journaling is a helpful tool that mental health professionals use with their clients. To support our friends and neighbors, when you bring a blank journal or composition notebook to the June 2 game, you’ll receive a little thank-you gift.
Reserve your ticket now for the June 2 game – and don’t forget to bring a journal along to help us Rally Around Mental Health!