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AARP AARP States Tennessee Caregiving

AARP Tennessee Releases Results of Statewide Caregiving Survey

Research Reveals Life, Challenges of Unpaid Family Caregivers

AARP Tennessee today released findings of a statewide survey highlighting Tennessee family caregiver experiences, challenges and needs. The report offers a comprehensive look at a critical, but often underappreciated role in the lives of an estimated 981,000 Tennesseans. Their unpaid work and assistance makes it possible for their parents, spouses or other loved ones to live independently at home.

2015 TN Caregiving Survey Full Report_FINAL

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“Today in Tennessee, a silent army of nearly one million unpaid family caregivers represent a critical part of our state’s care system,” said Rebecca Kelly, State Director of AARP Tennessee. “This survey reveals the reality of caregiving in Tennessee and supports the need for state lawmakers to stand with our family caregivers.”

Who are Tennessee’s Caregivers?
Serving as a caregiver means providing care or support to those who may be ill, frail or have a physical or mental disability. More than half of the survey respondents (60%) are currently providing or have provided unpaid care to an adult loved one. Of those who have not yet provided care, 55% expect to do so in the future. The caregiving gender split is close in Tennessee; 54% are women and 46% are men. Tennessee caregivers are likely to be married (75%) and have some college education (66%).

When asked about the scope of daily activities in their caregiving role, respondents cited grocery shopping (90%), transportation (86%), household chores (85%) and preparing meals (84%). Their responsibilities also include more complex tasks; 70% help with medication management and 69% provide nursing/ medical tasks.

Daily Caregiving Challenges
Nearly one-third (31%) of the state’s caregivers maintain full-time jobs in addition to providing care. In fact, 72% of survey respondents indicated they have had to modify their work schedule in order to provide care; twenty five percent reported having to do so at least once per month.

Being a caregiver brings challenges as well. Sixty three percent report feeling emotionally stressed and one-in-three are financially stressed. Other daily challenges indicated range from not getting enough rest (61%), difficulty balancing work and family (61%) to not getting enough exercise (49%) and difficulty taking care of household responsibilities (48%).

Caregivers Need Support From Lawmakers
Tennessee caregivers are asking for support. Almost all (94%) said it is important to have services that allow people to stay in their own home as they age. Eighty percent cited the need for additional resources and training for caregivers as extremely/very important.

“Across Tennessee there are so many caregivers, like me, who embrace our role in supporting the needs of a loved one,” said Donna Dean, caregiver and AARP state president. “We don’t ask for special recognition or a national holiday, but there are important steps that elected leaders can take that would make a big difference in our lives.”


Survey respondents expressed that the community services are critically important for people to be able to remain in their own home as they age. Specifically, 90% cited the need for well-trained home healthcare providers. This was followed closely by the importance of end-of-life hospice (89%), more visiting nurses (84%) and access to special transportation (83%).

The survey, which includes responses from 800 Tennessee registered voters age 45 and older, was conducted by telephone and has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent. See the full report: 2015 TN Caregiving Survey Full Report_FINAL

This survey is part of AARP’s I Heart Caregivers campaign, which is designed to support, inform and advocate for family caregivers in Tennessee and across the country. A full copy of the survey is posted at or is available by contacting the AARP Tennessee State Office at 866-295-7274 or


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