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AARP AARP States Tennessee Livable Communities

Celebrating Communities: Grants Fund Local Projects

Livable Drawing

AARP awarded Community Challenge grants to four Tennessee organizations for quick-action projects to boost local livability.

The projects must be completed by Nov. 30. They are:

Chattanooga: The ELLA Library is creating a community garden with raised beds to accommodate older gardeners, and Lighthouse Network Services is undertaking a project to help caregivers and their families grow their own food.

Memphis area: The TennGreen Land Conservancy, which works to conserve nature, is improving a trail segment in Ducks Unlimited Park in West Memphis, Arkansas, and adding stone benches for a gathering circle.

Springfield: Robertson County Schools north of Nashville earned a grant to help support the Reading Across Robertson County bus, which provides residents access to library books.

Learn more about the grants in Tennessee and nationwide at

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