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AARP AARP States Tennessee

Fighting Fraud: AARP To Host Scam Jam Events

AARP Tennessee is taking fraud fighting to the next level, hosting several Scam Jam events across the state.

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The Scam Jam is a free community event designed to help you learn the red flags to proactively spot scams, protect you and your family, and features panel discussions, special presentations and tons of free fraud fighting resources!

Experts from law enforcement, consumer protection, and fraud prevention share practical tips and real-life stories to arm attendees with the knowledge and tools you need to protect yourself and others from fraud. Whether you're looking to learn how to spot phishing emails or avoid common financial scams, the AARP Scam Jam provides the insights you need to stay one step ahead of scammers.

Next Scam Jam: February 27 in Knoxville

10 a.m. - 1 p.m. ET
Beck Cultural Center

Join us for:

  • A special presentation from Paul Greenwood, former San Diego Deputy District Attorney. Paul has prosecuted 750+ felony cases of physical, sexual, emotional and financial elder abuse, and led the Elder Abuse Prosecution Unit for 22 years.
  • An all-star lineup of local, state and national fraud experts, including the TN Bureau of Investigation, Dept of Justice, and ORNL Federal Credit Union.
  • Fraud Resource Fair with important information about fighting fraud.
  • We’ll cover avoiding identity theft, elder fraud, scams targeting veterans and more.

Additional Scam Jam events are being planned for the Nashville and Memphis areas. Keep an eye out for dates and times!

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