AARP Eye Center

Welcome to AARP Tennessee's advocacy hub, a place where you can find the latest information about our advocacy initiatives, legislative priorities and key resources as we work with elected officials at the local, state and federal level.
Action Alerts
Support the Department of Disability and Aging Budget.
In October 2024, Commissioner Brad Turner and the Department of Disability and Aging presented its inaugural budget for fiscal year 2025-2026. This budget provides an increase in Meals on Wheels funding, a first-time inclusion of dollars for home modification and repair, an increase in dollars to the OPTIONS program to assist in clearing the waitlist, and an increase in Senior Center grants among other requests. Please find the department’s budget presentation HERE.
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News and Updates
AARP Tennessee Celebrates 2024 Policy Wins.
During the 2024 Legislative Session, AARP Tennessee (AARP TN) was pleased to win, and move the needle on four policy matters in 2024.
1. In late 2024, working in partnership with the Tennessee Housing Development Authority (TDHA), the Department of Disability and Aging (DDA), and the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH), AARP TN led the charge for a statewide budget line item for home modification and repair dollars. This line item is included in the current 2025-2026 DDA Budget.
2. AARP partnered with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and ETHRA to advocate for funding for a TBI Bank Fraud Call Center. This center will act as a resource for banks and credit unions in Tennessee to call when they see any type of suspicious activity related to an older individual or a person with a disability in an effort to stop the transaction before the money leaves the financial institution by using the PAUSE law. With its inclusion in the Governor’s budget, it was signed into law in May and went into effect in October 2024.
3. Additionally in 2024, AARP TN advocated for the creation of the Department of Disability and Aging through the merger of the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability. This merger allowed, for the first time, aging to be represented within the Governor’s cabinet. This became law in April 2024.
4. Finally, in February, AARP TN worked with the city of Knoxville to create a missing middle housing ordinance. AARP TN provided resources and testimony in support of the effort. The new zoning will provide an opportunity for a diversity of housing stock with options between the scales of single-family homes and mid-rise apartments.

Elected Official Contacts
Tennessee Mayors
Tennessee General Assembly
United States House of Representatives
United States Senate
Fact Sheets
AARP Family Caregiving Package
Tennessee Fact Sheet
Contact: Mia McNeil, AARP TN State Director (