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AARP AARP States Tennessee Scams & Fraud

Tennesseans Take 18,000 Steps to Prevent Fraud

Every 2 seconds, someone’s identity is stolen. But in Tennessee, AARP is taking steps to help prevent frauds and scams. During the week of April 25, 2016, AARP Tennessee and its community partners hosted special events, called ShredFest. These free document shredding opportunities were held in Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis.

In all, more than 18,000 pounds of documents were destroyed during the four events in Tennessee. Additionally, more than 100 Tennesseans used the opportunity to join the AARP Fraud Watch Network and receive email alerts of frauds and scams in their communities. It's never too late to sign up, visit the Fraud Watch Network page to join for FREE.

“We heard great feedback from appreciative folks about these shredding events,” said Shelley Courington, AARP Tennessee interim state director. “In fact, the response was so positive, we will definitely be scheduling additional ShredFest type events in the future.”

Keep an eye out for our Upcoming Events page and follow us on Facebook to see when the next shredding events will take place.

Tennessee ShredFest 2016 Photos

ShredFest Nashville 2
The AARP Tennessee team greets cars at ShredFest in Nashville.

ShredFest Nashville 3
Nearly 3,000 pounds of documents were shredding at ShredFest in Nashville.


SF Memphis 2
AARP volunteers shared the Fraud Watch Network with local residents at ShredFest in Memphis.

More than 18,000 pound of documents were shredded at the two ShredFest events in Memphis.
Naylor, Robert B

SF_Knoxville 3
AARP volunteers recruited people attending ShredFest to join the Fraud Watch Network.

More than 5,000 pounds of material was shredded during the ShredFest event in Knoxville.

About AARP Tennessee
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