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AARP AARP States Washington DC Advocacy

AARP DC 2019 Advocacy and Policy Priorities

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AARP DC volunteers at the Wilson Building. To learn more about participating in this advocacy effort, please email
Eric Kruszewski for AARP

AARP DC Advocates for #2020AgeFriendlyBudget

AARP District of Columbia will continue to fight for what is in the best interest of our 88,000 members and all District residents age 50 and older.

AARP District of Columbia’s legislative and regulatory goals in 2019 will protect and strengthen the programs to maximize independence for District residents to remain in their homes as they age ( i.e., age in place). Such programs include: assistance for family caregivers, home and community-based programs, and nutrition services.

Read more about AARP DC's Fiscal Year 2020 budget requests in this FINAL - Mayor Bowser FY20 Budget Ltr 2.20.2019. "AARP DC urges that (the) proposed budget submission: (1) fully fund a ten-year comprehensive senior strategic plan; (2) provide greater financial investments in family caregiver assistance programs; and (3) provide greater financial investments in home and community-based supports with a focus on senior nutrition services."


Increase programmatic funding & Advance regulations to help patients and their family caregivers

Over 75,000 family caregivers in the District of Columbia provide more than $870 million in unpaid care to an adult loved one, helping them to live independently in their home.

  • AARP DC will fight to increase funding in the fiscal year (FY) 2020 for programs that provide caregiver education and training, respite, stipends, and transportation services to eligible individuals.
  • AARP DC will push the District to finalize regulations to implement the Caregiver Advise Record Enable (CARE) Act that would: (1) educate District residents on their rights under the 2016 law; and (2) establish a clear point of Department of Health contact for patients and family caregivers to raise concerns, submit complaints, and have that information acted upon in a timely manner.


Increase programmatic funding

As the District’s 50+ population grows, so will the need for adequate funding for programs that help District residents age in place, manage daily living activities, access medical care, access to social services, and access to recreational activities.

  • AARP DC will advocate to increase the District’s FY2020 funding for home and community-based supports, particularly in-home services, supportive residential services, and transportation services.


Increase programmatic funding

Over 3,000 older District residents rely on home-delivered meals to maintain or improve their health and remain in the community.

  • AARP DC will advocate to increase the District’s FY2020 funding for home-delivered meals.


To get involved in this important advocacy effort:

  1. Follow AARP DC on Facebook and Twitter and monitor the hashtag #2020AgeFriendlyBudget
  2. Send an email to Peter at to join AARP DC volunteers at the Wilson Building!


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