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AARP Foundation has established the AARP Foundation Oklahoma Tornado Relief Fund [] to support victims affected by the recent “monster” tornadoes in Oklahoma.
AARP and its members are committed to helping those in need. AARP and AARP Foundation will match contributions dollar-for-dollar up to $250,000, assuring up to $500,000 in aid once the match is met through contributions. The matching program will be administered through AARP Foundation. The Foundation will give funds to organizations providing relief and recovery support to disaster victims.
“This is a devastating time for many Oklahomans and their families. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those who are struggling to recover from this severe disaster,” said Jo Ann Jenkins, AARP Foundation President. “We know that people want to help out and respond quickly to those in need. As a trusted organization, AARP Foundation will work to ensure the funds contributed go directly to aid those who have been impacted by this terrible event.”
Those who choose to give to AARP Foundation to help the victims of the Oklahoma tornadoes can do so through AARP Foundation’s secure web site where 100 percent of their tax-deductible donations will be used to help the victims of this disaster.
In the communities most severely affected, many older Oklahomans, including AARP members, their families and neighbors, are struggling to recover from the twister’s impact. The most destructive tornado carved a 20-mile path, destroying entire neighborhoods and claiming two dozen lives. The loss of homes, businesses and schools is predicted to top $1 billion dollars, a devastating impact that will be felt in Oklahoma communities for years to come. AARP Foundation will draw upon the resources of the AARP Oklahoma office and staff to engage in continued efforts to help local community organizations aid victims of the tornadoes.
An immediate response to this urgent appeal for aid will allow AARP Foundation to expedite support to those who need it now. To donate to the AARP Foundation Oklahoma Tornado Relief Fund today, please go to: