AARP Eye Center

Current and former Andrus Award recipients recognized by the District of Columbia State Office toured the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial on a warm and sunny Tuesday, April 9th. The tour was led by the monument project architect, Lisa Anders, and Jerry Haan of the National Park Service. The AARP DC State Office sponsored and organized the tour and lunch, which was attended by six Andrus awardees, one past state president, their guests, other AARP DC volunteers and staff.
At the luncheon with the Andrus recipients following the tour, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, (D-District of Columbia), recounted experiences from her years as an activist during the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. “Martin Luther King was a man not much older than me and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee members” Norton said, “but he seemed much older because of his great maturity, great presence and great affect on the Movement.” In college, Norton was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and went to Mississippi during Mississippi Freedom Summer, when she was in graduate school. More on Norton at
Louis, Davis, Jr., Senior State Director of the AARP DC State Office, emceed the luncheon and toured the monument with the volunteers.

Megan Hookey, Vice President for Volunteerism, who joined the group for the tour and lunch, said she was honored to tour the Memorial with such outstanding local volunteers. She thanked the group for giving their time and talents to help improve the lives of others by volunteering with AARP, and told them about an online library of volunteer tools and resources, called the AARP Volunteer Portal, which is available at