AARP Eye Center

Angel Luis Irene, a member of the AARP DC Executive Council, succumbed to kidney cancer on June 10, 2013. From this day forward, loving memories of our dear departed volunteer leader and friend will console us.
His legacy of service to others will live on, especially his role in establishing Vida’s Multicultural Group, the first AARP community group in the District of Columbia, and his tireless commitment to the senior citizens of Vida Senior Centers, one of the oldest Latino community-based organizations in D.C. He was proudest of the impact Vida Senior Centers continues to have on the District’s elders. He was passionately committed to increasing the quality of life for our abuelitos and to helping them maintain healthy and independent lives.
May he rest in peace (que en paz descanse) . To the family: you have our deepest sympathy (Nuestro más sentido pésame).