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AARP AARP States Washington DC

"On the Other Side of Struggle: Stories of Perseverance in the Face of Crisis"

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AARP DC partnered with Penn State's Center for Digital Black Research and the Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum’s “Moments of Resilience” project for an interactive, virtual two-part workshop.

These workshops examined the importance of telling and preserving personal stories, especially amid a pandemic that has disproportionately impacted the Black community in the District of Columbia and across the nation.

July 8, 12 - 1:15 pm
Part 1: Everyone has a Story to Tell (Watch the video)
With a focus on both telling and archiving stories, this workshop showed how individual stories are the threads that make up the fabric of a community.

July 15, 12 - 1:15 pm
Part 2: Telling Stories, Building Archives, Creating History (Watch the video)
Participants shared their own stories and learned hands-on approaches to archiving and preserving stories and related materials.

Moments of Resilience aims to amplify the power of community by collecting and sharing stories of how communities are supporting each other during the pandemic. Share your story at

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