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AARP AARP States Washington DC Advocacy

The President's Corner: Take Action to Support DC Seniors

Stratmann, Erika

A little over 2 months ago, I was selected to serve as AARP DC’s volunteer State President. With more than 87,000 AARP members in the District, I still marvel at the collective power we have to make a positive difference in our community.

The local budget season is heating up, and we need your help to ensure your Councilmembers include funding for critical programs in the final budget.

On April 1, I was privileged to emcee the Senior Advisory Coalition advocacy day at the Wilson Building. Volunteers met with District Councilmembers and staff to advocate for better funding for senior services. I witnessed firsthand the passion and effectiveness when we come together to advocate. We cannot let this momentum fizzle.

That is why I am asking you to join me in taking action today for DC seniors.

Go to and complete the email to make sure the District Council hears from you!

Many DC seniors rely on home and community-based services for meals, getting dressed and trips to the doctor – all to live independently in their own homes and communities. But without essential funding for these programs, these seniors could be forced into nursing homes, costing taxpayers more.

This year, AARP DC’s budget priorities focus on making the District livable for residents at any age. AARP wants the District to increase funding for caregiver support (caregiver respite and other services), home and community-based services (helping residents age in place), and nutrition services (home delivered and congregate meals). For a more detailed description of AARP DC’s budget priorities, see our blog.

Again, please go to and send a letter to your councilmembers: I have.

Let’s keep the conversation going!

I want to hear from you about your experiences aging in the District, and issues you want me to write about in future blog posts. Email me at or send me a tweet at @PastorKEC.

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