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AARP AARP States Washington DC Advocacy

Wednesdays at the Wilson


Wednesdays at the Wilson Building (W@W) is a video series that provides brief updates on the current state of the District, encourages advocacy and connects policy experts to District residents.

AARP DC will report on what’s going on with District Council at the Wilson Building and the Mayor’s offices, with a focus on issues that contribute toward an Age-Friendly city where individuals of all ages can live, work and play.

To get involved in this important advocacy effort:

  1. Follow AARP DC on Facebook and Twitter and monitor the hashtag #2020AFDCBudget

  1. Send an email to Peter at to join AARP DC volunteers at the Wilson Building!

Fresh New Episode

W@W - What you need to know about the Pepco rate case, August 28, 2019

Pepco filed a multi-year rate case on May 30, 2019, with the Public Service Commission. This brief video outlines what you need to know about the proposal, and the actions AARP DC is taking in the coming weeks.

Binge-worthy Archives

W@W - AARP DC Budget Forum, August 29, 2018

To kick off a discussion of the DC budget for year 2020, AARP DC hosted a Budget Forum. Guest speakers included Ed Lazere, Executive Director of the DC Fiscal Policy Institute, and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser who addressed issues ranging from senior services, to housing accessibility and affordability and public transportation. Watch the clip below for Mayor Bowser's remarks regarding transportation for older adults in DC.  Click here to view the full Budget Forum conversation.

W@W - Transportation, September 26, 2018

AARP DC's Peter Rankin provided an update on the situation at the Arthur Capper Senior Apartments, reviewed the city's budget process and spotlighted funding to support transportation programs specifically for older adults in DC. Click here to watch this W@W video on AARP DC's Facebook page.

W@W - Housing, October 31, 2018

AARP Legislative Representative Lakeeshia Fox shares information about housing resources and affordable housing news you can use in the District.  Click here to watch this W@W video on AARP DC's Facebook page.

W@W - Food Security, November 29, 2018

In this episode, Peter shares that funding for nutrition services in the DC city budget has been flat for several years. We want to ensure funding in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget is sufficient to support all seniors who need nutrition services. Click here to watch this W@W video on the AARP DC Facebook page.

W@W - 2018 Advocacy in review & a look at 2019 priorities, December 26, 2018

AARP DC's Peter Rankin reviews AARP DC's advocacy successes in 2018, and highlights advocacy priorities for the New Year. Click here to watch this W@W video on the AARP DC Facebook page.

W@W - Conversation with Councilmember Brandon Todd, January 30, 2019

AARP DC Volunteer Ward Liaison Jo Ponds sits down with Ward 4 Councilmember Todd to learn more about legislation he sponsored, including: the Senior Strategic Plan Amendment Act of 2018 (a 10-year strategic plan for seniors in the District of Columbia), and the Senior Dental Services Program. Click here to watch the full conversation with Councilmember Todd.

W@W - Budget and Performance Oversight, February 27, 2019

AARP DC Volunteer Ward Liaison Herb Jones joins us with an update on the District's budget process - what's happened so far, what's coming up next and how you can get involved! Click here to watch this W@W video on AARP DC's Facebook page.

W@W - Mayor Bowser's Budget Proposal for FY 2020, March 28, 2019

AARP DC's Peter Rankin provides a high-level recap of what's in Mayor Bowser's budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2020 - what we like, where we need more info, what's next in the budget process and how you can get involved! Click here to watch this W@W video on AARP DC's Facebook page.

W@W - Grandparent Caregiver Program, April 24, 2019

AARP DC's Bobby Dorsey reported live from the Wilson Building, where he was monitoring a public hearing about the Grandparent Caregiver program. Click here to watch this W@W video on AARP DC's Facebook page.

W@W - Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Highlights , May 29, 2019

Yesterday, the Council of the District of Columbia passed the Fiscal Year 2020 budget unanimously. Here's a review of the highlights in the budget. For more detail,please visit this blog post. Click here to watch this W@W video on AARP DC's Facebook page.

W@W - The Latest on the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget , June 27, 2019

Have you been tracking the District budget? In this video, Peter provides a quick recap on the latest, and for a review of the highlights for DC seniors and older adults visit this AARP DC blog post for more information.

W@W - Stop Rx Greed , July 31, 2019

It may be August recess, but the advocacy work doesn't stop. Peter discusses AARP's campaign to Stop Rx Greed in this video. Why does lowering prescription drug prices matter to you? Share your story here.

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