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AARP AARP States West Virginia

The Tax Assistance You Need, Delivered Safely

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide provides tax assistance free of charge to anyone, with a special focus on taxpayers who are 50 or older or who have low to moderate income.

Tax-Aide volunteers are located nationwide, and are trained and IRS-certified every year to make sure they know about and understand the latest changes and additions to the tax code. Tax help is provided in safe environments using a variety of methods based on a number of factors, including where you are located, COVID-19 spread, and volunteer availability.

The U.S. tax code is complicated. As a result, many taxpayers overpay, turn to services they can't afford, or don't file - missing out on credits and deductions they've earned.

More than 36,000 volunteers provide taxpayers in nearly 5,000 communities with free tax preparation and filing services.

Tax-Aide service will begin on February 12, in keeping with the IRS announcement that it will start accepting returns on that date.

Visit beginning February 9 to request tax help.

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, Tax-Aide offers several options for taxpayer assistance. These options vary by location and are subject to change.

  • In-Person: In Tax-Aide's traditional in-person service, taxes are prepared and filed by IRS-certified tax counselors — now with strict physical distancing measures in place.
  • Low-Contact: Taxpayers interact with IRS-certified volunteers in one or two short, in-person meetings to exchange documents.
  • Contact-Free: Taxpayers interact with Tax-Aide counselors online or by phone and exchange documents electronically.
  • Self-Preparation: Tax-Aide provides taxpayers with free access to software so they can prepare their own taxes. Taxpayers can also request help from a Tax-Aide counselor to coach them through the process via computer screen-sharing. 

To make the most of the money Tax-Aide helps them keep, taxpayers can also participate in SaveYourRefund, an AARP Foundation-sponsored program offering incentives that encourage taxpayers to save at least part of their refund in a savings account.

Beginning February 9, you can find out about Tax-Aide sites and their offerings at or call toll-free 1-888-AARPNOW.

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