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Scams & Fraud

House Speaker Roger Hanshaw Discusses New Committee Process, Progress at Session's Halfway Point
WV House Majority leader speaks on his sponsorship of House Bill 4985
Elimination of WV state tax on Social Security benefits ranks as top issue
As the holidays approach—and with them the season of charitable giving—AARP West Virginia is urging residents to be on guard against shady charities and criminals who exploit people’s generosity.
Holidays are for giving…and for some, taking
Make sure your charity is legit.
Learn about ways to protect yourself and your loved ones at our free, two-part webinar.
Learn about ways to avoid illegal robocalls and phone scams in this free, two-part webinar.
Learn How to Avoid Their Scams at AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
Sign Up for Our Free Webinar on Avoiding Seasonal Fraud
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