AARP Eye Center

AARP Foundation, through a generous grant from, is offering the new Digital Skills Ready@50+™ initiative to meet a pressing need: digital skills training for people over 50 who are living with low income, with a particular focus on women and people of color.
The Digital Skills Ready@50+ program will help increase older adults’ economic security with courses and workshops focused on digital essentials to help them find and secure jobs, change careers, or explore entrepreneurship.
We need your help to engage community partners to implement the trainings. Partners must share our commitment to supporting people over 50, living with low income, in their employment journey; have the capacity, technology, and space to deliver the trainings; have the ability to reach and successfully serve the target population and have demonstrated that equity and inclusion are central to their mission.
This innovative program is currently offered in eight select states, including Arizona. Community partners in each participating state will receive monetary grant support to implement the trainings. If you know of an organization that shares AARP Foundation’s commitment to supporting vulnerable people over 50 in their employment journey, we invite them to apply to be a Digital Skills Ready@50+ community partner.
We encourage you to visit to learn more or email with any questions you may have.