AARP Eye Center

Family caregivers provide essential assistance that empowers older Arizonans and those with disabilities to live independently in their homes and communities. The Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) Family Caregiver Support Program provides services and resources for more than 800,000 family caregivers across Arizona, including supportive services, counseling and support groups, training, and respite care.
The Arizona Family Caregiver Reimbursement Program assists family caregivers through a partial reimbursement for home modifications and assistive care technologies that enable their qualified family member(s) to be mobile, safe, and independent, and to delay or prevent costly institutional care.
Through the program, family caregivers can be reimbursed 50% for qualifying expenses up to $1,000 per qualifying family member. Home modifications or assistive care technologies may be purchased for the qualified family member’s home and/or the family caregiver’s home, excluding assisted living centers/facilities or other institutional care settings.
Examples of qualifying expenses include, but are not limited to:
● Ramps/low inclined walkways
● High-rise toilets with handrails
● Hearing aids
● Bed handles
● Wheelchairs
● Vehicle wheelchair lift
● Medical alert devices
Learn more and start your application today at!