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We are in an Age of Information overload. Learn how media literacy principles can help you make sense of your digital media environment.
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The Arizona State University News Co/Lab has been developing a media-literacy project that has great potential to help the communities. The three-part mini-course is for adults, in particular seniors. It is aimed at making a real difference in helping them deal with the misinformation that inundates our digital sphere — and helping them become the best kind of participants in our digital culture in this pivotal election year.
This course will introduce you to the foundational media literacy principle that will help you make sense of the digital media environment. The course start dates are August 3 and September 14.The course is free, not too time-consuming, and loaded with useful information.
The open online course features lots of engaging content including video interviews with notable people in media and online culture. One key element is to give folks more of what they need to engage digitally in our democracy during the 2020 elections.
The course has another notable feature that, for now, is unique in this field. It uses “adaptive learning” technology that lets participants go at their own pace and follow their own pathways through the material. ASU has been teaching digital media literacies for ASU Online, but doing this kind of “super-course” with adaptive learning is a first for the University and they are excited about the prospects.
ASU will be offering the course “live” — that is, with simultaneous Zoom sessions and discussion groups — in August and September. It will also be available for people to take at their own pace beyond that period.
Here’s the project website, which also includes enrollment info.
Here's the schedule of live course events for the Aug 3 course offering. (Similar schedule planned for September).
Schedule for August 3 session of Mediactive: How to Participate in Our Digital World
Week of Aug 3
Wednesday, August 5 at 3pm PT - First Open Q&A session
Thursday, August 6 at 4pm PT - Interview with ASU Cronkite assistant professor Jacob Nelson. Topic: News trust.
Week of Aug 10
Monday, August 10 at 4pm PT - Interview with Howard Bryant, ESPN senior writer. Topic: Diversity in media. Wednesday, August 12 at 3pm PT - Second Open Q&A session
Week of Aug 17
Jamie Winterton, Director of Strategy for ASU’s Global Security Initiative, will be joining us to talk about Web/social media security and privacy.
Wednesday, August 19 - Third Open Q&A session
Thursday, August 20 4pm PT - Third Interview, Guest TBA. Topic: Web/social media security and privacy.
For more information, please visit: