AARP Eye Center

The average wage gap between women and men in the United States has been narrowing, but in 2020 white women still earned only 79 cents for every dollar white men earned.

Women of color have fared even worse, according to a recent report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. African American women earned about 64 cents for every dollar white men earned last year, and Hispanic women earned about 59 cents on the dollar.
Given this uneven playing field, it’s even more crucial that women of color be financially savvy.
That’s why AARP Arizona is hosting a series of free personal finance workshops mainly aimed at African American women, though anyone may join. Held on Zoom, the sessions will cover debt management, investments, retirement planning and developing a savings plan.
“A lot of women of color, especially older women, are behind the eight ball when it comes to financial planning,” said Brenda Holt, associate director for AARP Arizona.
The workshops, led by personal finance educator Erika Alexander, will be from 10 to 11 a.m. on the third Saturday of every month through next February. Go to to register. Have questions?
Contact Brenda Holt at or 866-389-5649.
—James E. Garcia